A few weeks ago, popular messaging platform introduced the new WhatsApp privacy policy through a pop-up on the app which led to outrage from people all over the world.
The new policy turned out to be a communication disaster as users started a mass migration to other apps such as Telegram and Signal.
The Facebook-owned company had planned to roll out the new WhatsApp privacy policy by February 8th but had to push the update to May 15.
To help users understand the new policy, WhatsApp will introduce a banner in the app which you can tap on to read the explainer, learn more, and accept it.
You will still have to accept it by May 15 to keep using the service. Users who don’t want to accept these changes will have their accounts deleted.
WhatsApp Privacy Policy Concerns
Also Read: Your Messages and Calls are Safe, WhatsApp Now Says
WhatsApp insists that your chats are encrypted and the company can’t see them and it won’t share all of your contacts and data to Facebook.