After a bit of push and pull with Twitter, Elon Musk, aka Chief Twit officially bought the microblogging site last week in the guise of leading the app to freedom in terms of speech. However, his first big project is not free speech, it is in fact revenue generation, with the new Twitter boss now implementing a $ 20-a-month charge on Twitter Blue.
Elon is Bad For Twitter
Elon Musk is bad for Twitter, at least for now, I was not a fan of the buyout since day 1 and I am yet to see something that will change my opinion. While I was all for Elon charging remove Ads and charging commercial and gov’t organizations to use Twitter, this new move is just bonkers.
Day three after the acquisition, reports show that Elon Musk’s reign over Twitter has brought about an influx of racist tweeting, and now Musk’s plan for verification will also not go over well with the majority of people.
According to a report by The Verge this morning, Twitter will soon start charging users as much as $19.99 per month for the coveted blue check mark. Under the proposed plan, Twitter will make verification one of the core features of its premium subscription service, Twitter Blue.
Right now, Twitter Blue subscribers only pay $4.99 per month for features like an edit button, a custom reader mode, and bookmarks, but don’t pay for verification. While this is good news, maybe, for unverified users who are willing to chuck out $240 a year to get the blue checkmark, it just beats every reason the checkmark was invented on any platform.
Right now, existing verified users would have 90 days to subscribe to Twitter Blue or lose their verification, The Verge reports.
The point of verification is to combat misinformation and parody of accounts by verifying certain users and organizations. Twitter should not allow people to purchase verification.
Anyways, unless things change, I think Twitter is headed in the wrong direction, I maybe wrong though. Follow us on our socials (it’s free) so you don’t miss out on any updates!