A new Telegram version, ( v7.1.1) is now rolling out on the Google Play Store, and it brings a couple of exciting new features to the popular messenger
The latest update for Telegram includes Search Filters, a Remain Anonymous toggle for group admins, Channel Comments support, and some cool new animation effects. Here’s a quick rundown of everything new in the latest Telegram update:
This new feature will allow you to search for files by type, time period, or source. For instance, if you want to search for a particular file type, the updated Search feature has new tabs like Media, Links Files, etc. that you can easily access. If you want to search for items shared on a specific date, you can enter the date in the search bar and all the items shared on that date will pop up in the results. And finally, if you wish to look up files shared by a particular person, group, channel, or bot, you can search for it using the search bar.
Telegram’s latest update also brings a new comment button for posts on channels with discussion groups. Tapping on the button will let you comment on any post in the channel, and all the comments on a post will show up within a thread of their own. The comments will also show up in the discussion group within channels.
Anonymous Group Admins
With version 7.1.1, Telegram is adding a new Remain Anonymous setting to Admin rights for groups. Using this setting, group admins will be able to post messages to the group anonymously, as their messages in the chat will be signed with the group name.