1,000 viewers

Telegram is always a step ahead of other messaging apps in the market, now a new update takes video calling to the next level. Group video calls can now have up to 1000 viewers with Telegram saying it intends to continue increasing this limit “until all humans on Earth can join one group call.

You will also be able to record video messages in higher resolutions and be able to expand them. Users will also be able to watch regular videos at 0.5 or 2x speed.

The free and open-source, cross-platform, cloud-based instant messaging software has also added screen sharing with sound to all video calls, including 1-on-1 calls, this means any audio playing on the user’s device will keep playing when a message is being captured so that it’s included in the recording.

Also Read: How to Get your Verified on Telegram 2021 Fast

In addition, you can now also tap on a video message to expand it in the conversation thread. Tapping on an expanded video message initially pauses it, and it’s also possible to fast-forward and rewind the message.

The media player now supports multiple video playback speeds, screen sharing has been added to one-on-one calls, the in-app camera supports all zoom levels a device is capable of, and the media editor includes new tools to illustrate photos and videos with drawings, text, and stickers.

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Eric is just a nerd who loves to write about tech

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